When I say 'signature' I know we all think straight away to our written name, but what I’m referring to here is that little distinctive mark or characteristic we each have - something unique to us. We all have multiple signatures; the signature dish, the signature look, or style. It’s something we know won’t fail us, we love, and don’t tend to change.
For those of you that know me in a design sense you can probably guess my design signature. I jump up and down about it all the time - to me it is the icing on the cake in an interior. It highlights the shape of furniture, contrasts colours and is the simplest and most inexpensive trim: contrast piping!
The chocolate piping highlights the shape of the sofa and connects the pink sofa to the otherwise monotone room. |
Trim or passamentrie [the professional terminology] on anything is amazing. It’s the final customisation on a piece and the options are endless [I will write soon on all the different types available]. The only downfall is that generally trim is expensive, especially good quality trim. Piping however can be made, making it completely unique and one of the cheapest options, or alternatively purchased by the metre ready-made.
Plain piping is a beautiful detail; to me it finishes the joins in upholstery and adds finesse to the piece that you may not necessarily notice. Contrast piping on the other hand draws your eye to it!
Great highlight of the rounded arm and balanced with the wide band around the skirt. |
Orange and purple who would have thought, but it connects the colours in the room. |
Would have loved a better image of these chairs to show you the white deep buttons matching the piping. |
Navy and white, very crisp! |
The green piping on this little occasional chair breaks it up and connects it to the rest of the room. |
Would have loved to have seen this piping continued on the skirt. |
The piping breaks these dining chairs up, they may have otherwise looked like black blobs. |
Maybe contrast piping is something to consider for your next upholstery purchase?
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